14 August 2012

Use Multiple Cast Delegates in C# .net

First create a class file for using Method in Delegate.Class name is  :Mathamatic.cs
Function Names are Add,Sub,Mul,Div.
Functions are given below:
public static string Add(int i, int j)
          return "Sum of  I and J  is " + " " + ":" + (i + j);
public static string Sub(int i, int j)
            return "Sub of  I and J  is " + " " + ":" + (i - j);
public static string Mul(int i, int j)
            return "Mul of  I and J  is " + " " + ":" + (i * j);
public static string Divi(int i, int j)
       return "Divide of  I and J  is " + " " + ":" + (i / j);

In our Form , drag and drop a button control in the Form.
First Declare a Delegate in the form :(like this)

public delegate string matha (int i,int j);

Now paste this code in the button Click Event.

 matha matadd = new matha(mathamatics.Add);
 MessageBox.Show(matadd(10, 5).ToString());
 matha matSub = new matha(mathamatics.Sub);
 MessageBox.Show(matSub(10, 5).ToString());
 matha matDivi = new matha(mathamatics.Divi);
 MessageBox.Show(matDivi(10, 5).ToString());
 matha matMul = new matha(mathamatics.Mul);
 MessageBox.Show(matMul(10, 5).ToString());

Happy Coding!

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