27 August 2012

Create textBox using Class in C#.net

In this Article, I will explain Create a TextBox in the Class file and call the method in any form in the Application.
you can create a Class in the Several ways in the .Net.
you can create via "Class.cs" file.
you can create via "CodeFile.cs" file.
you can create via "Form.cs" file.
Now , i will explain One by one .

you can create via "Class.cs" file.:
Open your Project
Click "Project">> Add Class or Shift +Alt+C.
User can view the "Add New Item" window.
in the Name Input box , User can see the Class1.cs.
Click "ok" or change class file name in the input Box with Extension(.cs) and Clicks "Ok" button.
User can view this below format.

///Default namespaces
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace Namespace_Program // Namespace Name
    class Class2 // Class name
Now , User add coding within the Class .
For Eg:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace Namespace_Program
    class Class2  : Form  // We inherited form intoi class2
       public static void TextBox(Form  frm)
            TextBox txt = new TextBox();
            txt.Name = "txt_One";
            txt.Text = "Unit Testing";

Now we just call this TextBox Method in the Form Class file
Result: User can view the TextBox in the Form1 Designer at Run Time.
you can create via "CodeFile.cs" file:
we just create a method in the Class file using CodeFile.cs
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace Test_namespace
    class dynamicControl : System.Windows.Forms.Form
        public static void TextBox(Form frm)
            TextBox txt = new TextBox();
            txt.Name = "txt_One";
            txt.Text = "Unit Testing";
            txt.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(20, 25);
call in the Form.cs

you can create via "Form.cs" file:
open Form.cs
Copy and Paste code in the form.cs
    public static void TextBox(Form frm)
            TextBox txt = new TextBox();
            txt.Name = "txt_One";
            txt.Text = "Testing";
            txt.Location = new Point(75, 100);
you can create via "Form.cs" file:
call the funciton in the form.cs
I hope, this article helps you. Thanks for reading this Article.

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