XML and retrieve Data from XML to Dynamic PropertyStep: 1In First step, we will discuss about How to create Dynamic Property in C#.net. Properties are GroupBox, ComboBox, TextBox and CheckBox. Here these are the Declaration part of Dynamic Properties.
Public static System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox gb; Public static System.Windows.Forms.TextBox txt; Public static System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton chk; Public static System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox cmb;
Here these are the Declaration String Public static string txt1, txt2; Public static string txt3; Public static string text;
Here this is the Declaration String - To store a XML Path Public static string ModifiedPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath) + "\\Folder\\dataText"; I have 3 buttons in my Form (Buttons are not created dynamically).Drag from Property window. Button1 (Text) - - Property Button2 (Text) - - Save Button3 (Text) - - Display. In First button click event:private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { gb = new GroupBox(); gb.Name = "GroupName"; gb.Text = "Virtual COM Port"; gb.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 9F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0))); gb.Width = 750; gb.Height = 150; gb.Left = 10; gb.Top = 15; this.Controls.Add(gb); int i; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { cmb = new ComboBox(); cmb.Name = "combobox" + i.ToString(); cmb.Text ="Combo"+i.ToString(); cmb.Width = 100; cmb.Height = 20; cmb.Width = 75; cmb.Height = 20; cmb.Left = 15; cmb.Top = 20 + (cmb.Height * i) + (10 * i); //initial + height + padding cmb.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList; cmb.Items.Add("COM5"); cmb.Items.Add("COM6"); txt = new TextBox(); txt.Name = "Textbox" + i.ToString(); txt.Text = "Testtext" + i.ToString(); txt.Width = 150; txt.Height = 20; txt.Left = 150; txt.Top = 20 + (txt.Height * i) + (10 * i); chk = new RadioButton(); chk.Name = "RB" + i.ToString(); chk.Text = "Enabled"; chk.Width = 100; chk.Height = 20; chk.Left = 320; chk.Top = 20 + (chk.Height * i) + (10 * i); //initial + height + padding gb.Controls.Add(cmb); gb.Controls.Add(txt); gb.Controls.Add(chk); } } // Create XML: private static void createxml(String xmlpath) { int index; string sFilename = xmlpath; XmlDocument xmldoc = new XmlDocument(); XmlDeclaration xmldec = xmldoc.CreateXmlDeclaration("1.0", null, null); xmldoc.AppendChild(xmldec); XmlElement xmlele = xmldoc.CreateElement("Root"); xmldoc.AppendChild(xmlele); for (index = 0; index < 3; index++) { string targetComboBox = "Combobox" + index; //Try to find the textbox int ComboBoxIndex = gb.Controls.IndexOfKey(targetComboBox); if (ComboBoxIndex != -1) { ComboBox foundComboBox = (ComboBox)gb.Controls[ComboBoxIndex]; Userprefrenece.txt2 = foundComboBox.Text; } string targetTextBox = "Textbox" + index; //Try to find the textbox int textBoxIndex = gb.Controls.IndexOfKey(targetTextBox); if (textBoxIndex != -1) { TextBox foundTextBox = (TextBox)gb.Controls[textBoxIndex]; Userprefrenece.txt1 = foundTextBox.Text; } string targetCheckBox = "RB" + index; //Try to find the textbox int targetCheckBoxs = gb.Controls.IndexOfKey(targetCheckBox); if (targetCheckBoxs != -1) { RadioButton foundCheckBox = (RadioButton)gb.Controls[targetCheckBoxs]; if (foundCheckBox.Checked == true) { Userprefrenece.txt3 = true; } else { Userprefrenece.txt3 = false ; } } String str = "port" + index.ToString(); XmlElement port = xmldoc.CreateElement(str); xmlele.AppendChild(port); port.InnerText = Userprefrenece.txt2 + "-" + Userprefrenece.txt1 + "-" + Userprefrenece.txt3; } xmldoc.Save(sFilename); MessageBox.Show("Saved Successfully"); } private static void readxml(String xmlpath) { string sFilename = xmlpath; XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.Load(sFilename); XmlElement rootElem = xmlDoc.DocumentElement; //Gets the root element, in your xml its "Root" for (int i = 0; i < rootElem.ChildNodes.Count ; i++) { string name = rootElem.ChildNodes[i].Name; string value = rootElem.ChildNodes[i].InnerText; string[] words = value.Split('-'); txt1 = words[0]; txt2 = words[1]; txt3 = words[2]; gb.Controls["Combobox" + (i + 0).ToString()].Text = txt1; gb.Controls["Textbox" + (i + 0).ToString()].Text = txt2; gb.Controls["RB" + (i + 0).ToString()].Text = txt3; RadioButton cb = gb.Controls["RB" + i.ToString()] as RadioButton; cb.Checked = (txt3 == "True"); gb.Controls["RB" + (i + 0).ToString()].Text = "Enabled"; } } private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { createxml(ModifiedPath + "\\UserPreferences.xml"); } private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { readxml(ModifiedPath + "\\UserPreferences.xml"); }
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